The logo font will be complimented with Iskra font throughout the website.
This is Iskra font. Chosen for it’s eyecatching, elegant and warm appeal.
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
The colour palette will be used throughout giving a high end, more luxurious feel to the whole website.
IB Web Design © 2021 All rights reserved.
The big question! The fantastic news is that unlike other website design companies you don’t have to pay in full, up front for your website. Instead we can spread the cost over a maximum of 2 years. This isn’t a loan, there’s no interest to pay and no credit checks. Connect with us so we can let you know more about our flexible payment plans. We can’t say how much your new website will cost until we have carried out our free, no obligation discovery meeting with you. As we only build custom websites, the price is dependant on the functionality you need. If you need a one page website to showcase your service or product and a ‘contact us’ page, this will be a lower price to a website with e-commerce functionality where you can sell your products or services online.
Our first bit of jargon! Search Engine Optimisation is the process of increasing traffic and/or the visibility of your website by getting it to appear higher on search engines like Google without having to pay for it to appear at the top of the first page. This is included as standard with all our websites, however, as your business evolves so will the need to update this to continue to get the best search results for your website. Unfortunately, these updates aren’t included in the price of building your website, we offer care plans that cover this ongoing maintenance to your site.
All websites need hosting to be visible online and the cost of this is included in our care plans. If you choose to not take advantage of one of our care plans and are happy to look after of the security and maintenance of your website yourself, we can provide a standalone hosting package for you. If you already have a Wordpress site and would like it hosted by us, we can arrange that too. The good news is that unlike a lot of design agencies you can pay for hosting monthly with no minimum term tie-ins.
The work doesn’t stop when your website is completed, it needs to be hosted (online for all to see) and maintained. What do we mean by maintained? Unfortunately, in todays’ world hacking is a common word and your website needs to be kept as secure as possible with regular updates, security monitoring and website back-ups to mention a few.
Something that is extremely important at IB Web Design is clear communication with our clients and to not confuse you with jargon. If you want a super atomic website that simply works and you don’t want to know the finite details of how, then that’s just fine. However, if you want to know how it works to the atomic level then that’s fine too!
Either way, we will communicate in plain English and if we need to use ‘web talk’ we will explain exactly what it means and what it does.
Web design is our love and passion. It doesn’t matter if you’re a sole trader or large enterprise, your business deserves a website that showcases what you do. This is the very reason why we only custom build our websites to your specification and business needs. Your business is unique, so should your website. However, his doesn’t have to come at a big cost. We can tailor your web design to your budget and with flexible payment options your dream website designed to the atomic level is closer to reality than you think.